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Network ETI Snow Switch Snow Owl

Network ETI Snow Switch Snow Owl
  • 自动积雪传感器,可降低人行道、排水沟/落水管融雪和融雪应用中的能耗
  • 纤薄的设计最大限度地减少了视觉冲击
  • 安装在 3⁄4 英寸 PVC 上易于安装的导管
  • 使用安全的低压电源操作
  • 简单的三线连接:2 根用于电源,1 根用于信号输出
  • 电线颜色与常用电缆相匹配便于安装
  • 方便的开机自检以验证传感器是否正常
  • 操作
  • 采用耐紫外线和耐腐蚀材料制成,使用寿命长
  • 美国制造
型号: Switch Snow Owl
ETI proudly introduces the ETI SNOW OWL Aerial Snow Sensor for surface snow and ice management systems.

The ETI SNOW OWL is designed to work with a controller or contactor, optimizing energy usage in heated snow/ice melting applications. The ETI SNOW OWL is also an excellent solution for building automation applications.

During dry or warm weather, the system’s heaters are turned off to save energy costs. The heaters are turned on only when snow and/or ice is present, and kept on only long enough to ensure complete melting and drying. Temperature and time parameters can be varied within the ETI SNOW OWL, enhancing system performance in a given environment and application.