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Network ETI Snow Switch GIT-1

Network ETI Snow Switch GIT-1
  • 降低运营成本
  • 可靠的自动除冰控制
  • 感测湿度和温度
  • 安装在排水沟上以确保准确性
  • 避免冰桥
  • 坚固的外壳
  • 简单、低成本的安装
  • 经过现场验证的可靠性
型号: Snow Switch GIT-1
An automatic freeze prevention control system for gutters and downspouts employs one or more GIT–1 Gutter Ice Sensors and either APS–3C or APS–4C Control Panel. Heaters operate only if moisture occurs at temperatures below 38°F (3.3°C), thus saving energy and ensuring reliable ice melting. Since the GIT–1 mounts in gutters and downspouts it senses actual environmental conditions. This improves sensing accuracy. Solid state moisture and temperature sensors provide the sensitivity required for effective automatic control. Ice bridging occurs if incomplete melting occurs near the heater or sensor leaving an air space. The air insulates thus preventing effective heater and sensor operation. The GIT–1’s unique microcontroller design frees its moisture sensor from ice bridging. Additional features prevent heater operation under conditions favorable to heater ice tunneling